Cactus is a Brussels-based non-profit organisation, a committed group of Brussels residents with a passion for the city and the bike. Our enthusiastic guide-volunteers keep their finger on the pulse of what is going on in the city. With expertise and their own stories, they let Brussels residents and visitors experience the city by bike.
Cactus lets you explore the broader Brussels picture and the city's less beaten tracks. With an open-minded view on Brussels, our guides get to work with the city's many dynamics and diversity. They make them tangible and let you experience this vibrant capital by bike.
Cactus goes for a convivial atmosphere during its bike tours. An atmosphere that offers room for interaction and encounters. Our guides align and tailor their tours to the group to make the experience as intense as possible. Family, friends, colleagues or alone, we explore the city in a relaxing way. An excellent opportunity to get connected with each other, with Brussels and our guide.
Cactus opts for the bicycle. It is the ideal way to (re)discover, experience and get around in Brussels. Moreover, it has benefits for both society and the planet. Experience Brussels by bike and discover more than you expect!